
Version 2 (modified by kurup, 5 years ago) ( diff )


Simulation and Experiment Meeting 15th October 2019

Meeting details

14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

Zoom details:

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    United Kingdom: +442036950088,,881873773#  or +442030512874,,881873773#

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    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088  or +44 (0) 20 3051 2874
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  • Gabor lens update.
  • SciWire update.
  • SmartPhantom update.
  • Round table.
  • A.O.B.


Present: HT, Juergen, Will, Ajit

  • Gabor lens - JPo
    • Lens is disassembled.
    • Currently doing modification drawings to the lens before it is re-assembled.
    • Pump repair will cost £4k
      • Bearings damaged.

  • SciWire - AK
    • Source tests did not produced scintillation light. Rate from the source was much less than expected.
    • Could test with collimated torch to investigate cross-talk.
    • Tests now concluded as lab space is needed for the SmartPhantom.
  • SmartPhantom - HT
    • Discussing the aperture and frame thicknesses. Smaller aperture prototype resolved warping but aperture is a bit too small.
    • Test to illuminate a single fibre longitudinally.
      • Test optics, readout and image processing software.
  • Round table - Will
    • Can spend more time on CCAP work.
    • BDSIM can't do injection and extraction.
    • Collating a list of things needed for the simulation.
    • FFA ring, need to think about how to implement the magnetic field.
    • Variable frequency cavities.
      • Could use a field map, have a 4D interpolator.
    • Space charge: can look at a simple component with and without space charge.
  • AOB
    • New server
      • Nearly ready just waiting for the domain to be assigned.
      • JPo: ICT installed software and licenses on previous server.
      • Install Inventor.
    • Imperial account for Will
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