'''Minutes''': Meeting to discuss literature review * Update on project - how far has it gotten? * Lots of hiccups * Colleagues in Munich are further along and have done experiments using small water phantom - 10cm * KL will send AML and VL papers * Updated direction of project * SmartPhantom design is going to change -> make it smaller * Advantages of collaboration with Munich: Not constrained to sample dishes at MedAustron * Need to understand acoustic signal better * Josie has learnt Topas * VL and AML will be designing and building scintillating fibre & sticking in beam * Main thing is the ionacoustic and scintillating fibre * Old instrumentation is scrapped * How would we wind a smaller (1cm x 1cm) fibre plan * Literature review advice from KL * Compare and contrast of other techniques people have used - MRI, prompt photon??, using proton tomography * Proton beam therapy - but not too much as it's well known * Understand differential equations of energy deposited through ionisation, spreading of beam through multiple scattering, deposited instantaneously, sound propagation differential equation (k-Wave does this - but should have better intuition without needing k-Wave e.g. write some code in Python) Next steps: * KL, JMcG, MM, AML, VL will meet at start of term, i.e., 3rd or 4th October * AML and VL can email KL with questions until then