= HEP PG recruitment meeting 1: 26Sep22; 10:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/my/ken.long?pwd=c2w2VzRacVlERUlrN01sUXdTNG9IZz09 == Agenda == 1. Key dates: - xxYYY22: Departmental Open Day - 13Dec22: Registration deadline for group open day - 20Dec22: Group Open Day - 16Jan23: Application deadline - 30Jan23 -- 10Feb23: Interview period 2. New Qualtrix-based system - Applicant details: https://forms.office.com/r/DkN1MLwQaK - Shortlist: https://forms.office.com/r/FDbjAxhKWc - Interview: https://forms.office.com/r/HL6Z4UM9dN - Offers & Accept: https://forms.office.com/r/MCdchhpKWa 3. Discussion of admin 4. Gender analysis of 2021/22 - [raw-attachment:CandidatePlot1.pdf 2021/22]; [raw-attachment:CandidatePlot2.pdf history] 5. AoB ----