= CCAP teaching program for academic year 2024/25 = == Physics of medical imaging and radiotherapy: 3^rd^ / 4^th^ year option course == Materials accessible through the Imperial "Blackboard" course-content management system. === Lecturers: === [mailto:k.long@imperial.ac.uk Ken Long]: course coordinator \\ [mailto:christopher.dunsby@imperial.ac.uk Chris Dunsby] \\ [mailto:james.mcginty@imperial.ac.uk James McGinty] \\ [mailto:Uwe.Oelfke@icr.ac.uk Uwe Oelfke] === Lectures: === 1. //07Jan25; 15:00//: **Course introduction**: [raw-attachment:2025-01-07-PhMIRT-Course-Introduction.pptx PPT], [raw-attachment:2025-01-07-PhMIRT-Course-Introduction.pdf PDF] === Admin: === Course schedule: [raw-attachment:2024-10-01-PhMIRT-Timetable.pdf PDF], [raw-attachment:2024-10-01-PhMIRT-Timetable.xlsx Excel] \\ Draft self-study project specifications: [raw-attachment:SelfStudyProjects.docx 13Dec24] ---- {{{#!comment = Administration in support of post-graduate recruitment = == [wiki:Teaching/2022-23/Meetings Meetings] == ---- }}}