Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019/11-12

Nov 12, 2019, 11:22:10 PM (5 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019/11-12

    v2 v3  
    4949== Notes ==
    50 Present:
     50Present: Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Jason Parsons, Tim Greenshaw, Juergen Pozimski, Galen, Aymar, Ruth McLauchlan, Colin Whyte, Peter Ratoff, Will Shields
     51        • Schedule
     52                ○ JPo: Need to clarify the interfaces as there is overlap in the components, e.g. Gabor lens in the capture and beam line.
     53                ○ CW: Need to discuss target location with respect to the first Gabor lens.
     54                ○ JPo: Spoke with Zulfikar re debris, differential pumping, etc. Will set up another meeting including CW.
     55        • Floor plan layout
     56                ○ AK: Has someone been assigned to do the CAD drawings and do we have access to the previous drawings.
     57                        ○ GA: Someone will be assigned soon to do the CAD drawings and the previous drawings are in RAL's database.
     58                ○ KL: best not to update the drawing for the end of November as details won't be fixed.
     59                        ○ JPo: better to make a list of changes.
     60                ○ AK: Want to raise the issue of animal holding facilities and whether an on-site facility is needed (which would require a separate floor).
     61                ○ JPar: Need some on-site facilities, e.g. holding facilities, but should consider how much space is needed.
     62                ○ Following some discussion, it was decided that an animal house should not be included in the plans for LhARA but a holding facility will be needed. The size of this is to be determined taking into account the scope of the proposed radiobiology programme.
     63                ○ AK to ask ZN and OE to specify total footprint of the laser and shielding requirements.
     64        • Parameter table
     65                ○ JPo: Parameters in the table will define the physical geometry of the Gabor lens and the nominal operating voltage. This is sufficient info to generate a field map (for tracking).
     66                        § KL: What about alternative technologies, i.e. solenoids.
     67                        § Following some discussion, it was decided that the equivalent solenoid field strength and lengths of the solenoids should be included in the parameter table.
     68                ○ Beam transport
     69                        § Details in the parameter table should define the input and output beam.
     70                        § AK to discuss with JPas.
     71                ○ Stage 2  needs to include another end station (also define the input and output beams).
     72                ○ End stations - JPar.
     73                        § 30mm beam size would be better than 10mm.
     74                                □ AK: to follow up with JPas.
     75                        § Platform and robot for multiple irradiations.
     76                        § Clatterbridge experiments can go through 130 dishes at a time.
     77        • Status updates
     78                ○ Proton capture - JPo
     79                        § COMSOL needed for the EM simulation of the Gabor lens.
     80                        § Would be good to also do the plasma simulation in COMSOL.
     81                        § AK got a quote from COMSOL. Looking into options for reducing the cost.
     82                ○ Beam transport - WS
     83                        § GPT studies to verify tracking with and without space charge.
     84        • Instrumentation
     85                ○ PPD will provide input to this.
     86                ○ For the baseline, include a statement of the need for diagnostics and how they will be used, e.g. during commissioning and running.
     87        • AOB
     88                ○ KL: Steering group set up. Will have SG meetings.
     89                        § Add SG meetings to the wiki.
     91= Action Items =
     92        • JPo, CW, ZN and OE to meet to discuss details at the laser/proton capture interface.
     93        • AK to update the interfaces documents to clarify areas where there are overlaps in the components.
     94        • AK to clarify on the wiki what needs to be delivered for 29/11/19.
     95        • AK to ask ZN and OE to specify total footprint of the laser and shielding requirements.
     96        • AK to add solenoid details (from the GPT input file) to the parameter list document.
     97        • AK to discuss with JPas what parameters should go in the parameter table for the beam transport.
     98        • AK to note the instrumentation requirements for the definition of the baseline.
     99        • AK to add details of the steering group meetings to the wiki.