
LhARA pre-CDR Meeting 26th Nov 2019

Meeting details

14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

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  • Action items from last meeting.
    • CW to arrange meeting with JPo, ZN and OE.
    • AK to add solenoid details (from the GPT input file) to the parameter list document.
    • AK to note the instrumentation requirements for the definition of the baseline.
    • AK to update previous parameter table and circulate Overleaf link.
    • OE to circulate what was done for safety case for the laser in 027.
  • Floor plan updates
  • Work breakdown structure
  • Interfaces document
  • Parameter table
  • System updates and outstanding issues for the 29th Nov deadline.
    • Laser driven proton and ion source.
    • Proton and ion capture.
    • Stage 1 beam transport: Beam transport and delivery to the in vitro end station.
    • Stage 2 beam transport: Post-acceleration and beam delivery to the in vivo end station.
    • Biological end stations.
    • Infrastructure and Integration.
    • Project plan for the delivery of LhARA.
    • Safety.
    • End-to-end simulation.
    • Instrumentation.
  • A.O.B.
    • Plenary meeting talks.


Present: CW, JPas, AK, WS, GA, KL, JPar

  • Action items
    • CW: No response from others, will try again.
      • Main issue is to determine how close to the target the first lens can be and provide options for differential pumping, shielding against activation, route out for the laser, etc.
      • AK will try to arrange a meeting this week.
  • JPas: Chris Rogers suggested using a solenoid lens to separate electrons and protons.
  • Floor plan
    • End stations: Only other detail is reconfiguration for 2 end stations.
    • JPas: independent extraction ports for the FFA. Would affect cost.
      • AK: Could increase foot print.
    • AK: details of the extraction.
      • Should add this on the floor plan update.
    • JPas: no dispersion matching for injection into FFA.
    • AK: is there any additional floor space needed for the in vivo experiments?
      • JPar: The existing box on the ground floor is fine for the irradiations.
      • AK: Any updates on the holding facility?
        • JPar: spoke to Mark Hill, won't need much space for the holding facility. Goal is to have a small space. Shouldn't need to be included in the floor plan, can just have this as a comment in the pre-CDR.
    • AK: Capture section may need to add power supplies.
    • AK: Beam transport. Need details to work out floor plan.
    • JPas: don't have spec for in vivo beam.
    • JPar: Depends on what experiments are being done. Would like a range of beam sizes.
      • JPar: to define beam specs for in vivo experiments.
    • GA: Looking at expanding on the WBS. Want to see laser safety to pare down safety case from ISIS level of detail.
    • KL: Need to include access.
  • WBS
    • JPas: Abort line should be on the floor plan.
  • Parameter table
    • Needs to include sufficient detail to define the baseline.
    • Including details on collimators, rebunching cavities, spaces between
    • CW: Should add charge density.
      • JPas: and magnetic field, collimator
    • AK: What would be the lowest extraction energy that would be of interest.
      • JPar: 15MeV in vivo would be for very superficial tumours.
    • AK: level of detail for the FFA
      • JPas: Need more detail to be able to fully define the magnet such that a designer can do an engineering solution.
  • AOB
    • KL:
      • RFI talk went well. Hopeful that we may get endorsement of the concept in the future.
      • IBC have arranged a special edition of a nuclear physics journal and we have been invited to submit an abstract. Deadline early December.
      • Also IPAC, PTCOG, APAC.
      • AK to prepare list of the 4 abstracts needed. One abstract, 4 different "spins".
      • SG meeting on Thursday. AK will present baseline design.
      • AK to draft outline R&D plan and circulate for comments before Thursday.

Action Items

  • AK to note the instrumentation requirements for the definition of the baseline.
  • OE to circulate what was done for safety case for the laser in 027.
  • AK to arrange meeting between laser and capture WPMs.
  • JPar to define beam specs for in vivo experiments.
  • AK to prepare list of the 4 abstracts needed. One abstract, 4 different "spins".
  • AK to draft outline R&D plan and circulate for comments before Thursday.
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Dec 2, 2019, 10:10:49 PM

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