Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019/12-17

Jan 6, 2020, 11:01:52 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019/12-17

    v2 v3  
     55Present: JT, GA, WS, KL, AK, CW
     56Apologies: JPas
    5558== Notes ==
    56 Participants:
    57 Apologies:
     59 * Previous action items
     60  * JPar to look into spot scanning beam specs for in vivo experiments.
     61   * '''Stands.'''
     62  * AK to prepare a wiki page for simulation.
     63   * '''Done.''' See [wiki:PreCDR/Simulation]
     64 * System updates
     65  * Proton and ion capture - CW
     66   * No recent updates. Good to get info from OE and JPas. 2mm aperture in differential pumping plate is not great but have a number of ideas to work around this.
     67   * Will be in London on 18th Jan and can have a face-to-face meeting around then.
     68  * Beam transport - WS
     69   * GPT simulation to improve transmission for bunch charge of 1e9 . Managed to get it up to 20%. Looking at decreasing the initial drift cm by cm to increase the transmission.
     70   * Electrons will help space charge neutralisation.
     71   * CW: may get compensation due to poor vacuum in target chamber.
     72  * Infrastructure - GA and JT.
     73   * Spoke to Ian, will meet after Christmas and will speak with the engineer who will do the drawings.
     74   * JT: There is enough detail defined to get going sooner, rather than wait for Feb.
     75   * GA: looking at costing.
     76    * AK: Susan Smith offered support.
     77    * KL: SS mentioned environment and costing was done for the  AVO ADAM project.
     78  * Project plan
     79   * AK: minor updates to the R&D plan.
     80   * KL: Made a first draft of the R&D costing for meeting on Thursday with Jim Naismith.
     81  * Safety
     82   * GA: no real updates
     83   * JT: will speak with CLF after Christmas.
     84  * End-to-end simulation
     85   * AK: HT working on a 3D input beam derived from the 2D data from the EPOCH simulation.
     86   * AK: found issues with the GPT simulation. The fringe field of the first dipole causes the beam to be bent through the fringe of the last solenoid causing incorrect bending. Will investigate increasing the drift between them to eliminate the problem.
     87  * Instrumentation.
     88   * KL: John Matheson is interested in getting involved. Will meet in Jan to discuss details.
     89 * AOB
     90  * KL: Abstracts: applications in Nuclear physics
     91   * PTCOG submitted.
     92   * Contact at Munich suggested abstract for BLIN in May.
     93  * KL: Current candidates for the review panel
     94   * Yolanda Prezado (Paris) - radiobiology.
     95   * Paul Bolton (Munich) - laser.
     96   * Mike Lamont (CERN) - accelerators.
     97   * Pepe Iyakabuchi - detectors.
     98  * KL: opportunity to present seminars
     99   * at DESY, Hamburg on 17th Jan.
     100   * Zeuthen, Berlin 22 Jan.
     101  * Next meeting on the 7th.
     102  * Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
    60104== Action Items ==
     105 * JPar to look into spot scanning beam specs for in vivo experiments.