
LhARA pre-CDR Meeting 21st Jan 2020

Meeting details

15:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

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  • Action items from last meeting.
    • Discuss input beam with OE and GH.
    • JPas to calculate electric field matrix for Gabor lens.
    • CW to circulate document on laser capture interface.
    • AK to circulate initial draft of project plan.
  • System updates.
    • Laser driven proton and ion source.
    • Proton and ion capture.
    • Stage 1 beam transport: Beam transport and delivery to the in vitro end station.
    • Stage 2 beam transport: Post-acceleration and beam delivery to the in vivo end station.
    • Biological end stations.
    • Infrastructure and Integration.
    • Project plan for the delivery of LhARA.
    • Safety.
    • End-to-end simulation.
    • Instrumentation.
  • A.O.B.


Participants: AK, WS, HTL, JPas, KL
Apologies: CW, GA
Guest: JB Lagrange

  • Action items
    • Talk to OE and GH. KL and HTL spoke to ZN about HTL helping with the Smilei simulations.
    • Electric field. KL to look into this too.
      • Focussing strength for electric field in IPAC 2019 paper . See wiki.
    • CW circulated to few
      • AK to add to wiki.
  • System updates
    • Beam transport
      • WS: Stage 1 simulations using idealised and realistic beam. Good transmission with idealised beam and version 4.2 of the lattice.
      • JPas: Arc has been redesigned to eliminate simultaneous minima in both planes to be used with v4.2 lattice arc
        • Details on Stage 1 redesign: now has 3 lenses and 4 quads.
      • Stage 2 - JPas
        • Details of injection being worked out.
      • JPas to send AK beta and alpha as a function of S (calculated by BeamOptics).

Action Items

  • AK to add Colin's note to the wiki.
  • JPas to send AK beta and alpha as a function of S (calculated by BeamOptics).
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Jan 27, 2020, 4:35:34 PM
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