Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-02-18

Feb 18, 2020, 3:09:13 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-02-18

    v2 v3  
    5353== Notes ==
     54Participants: AK, GA, JPar, HTL, WS, KL, JMat\\
     55Apologies: JPas
     57 * Action items
     58  * JPas to send AK beta and alpha as a function of S (calculated by BeamOptics).
     59   * Stands
     60 * System updates
     61  * Laser
     62   * AK to arrange meeting to discuss R&D plan and write up.
     63  * Capture
     64   * Meeting on Friday with Colin and KL to discuss R&D plan.
     65   * KL: Arranging meeting to coordinate the work.
     66  * Beam transport
     67   * WS: Updating Stage 1 design to get alpha to 0.
     68    * Couldn't find solution.
     69    * Lattice CCAP-v5 gives an elliptical beam in the end station.
     70    * Looked at updating previous lattices.
     71    * Using octopole after lens 5 (which now must be a solenoid) gives a more uniform distribution.
     72   * AK to arrange meeting to discuss writing up.
     73   * HTL:
     74    * JPas looked at HTL's design in BeamOptics. Beta was getting very small in places.
     75    * Looking for new solution to avoid this. Found minimum beta of about 1cm but this may still have problems with space charge.
     76    * HTL to look at simulating this using GPT.
     77  * End stations - JPar
     78   * Waiting on finalising the beam line before updating floor plan.
     79   * Discussed R&D plan. For the end stations that is automation of placing samples in the beam line.
     80   * Collaboration with Birmingham. Currently looking for space to build lab there.
     81   * Will do preliminary flash research in the next few weeks
     82   * Kristoffer Petersson, now at Oxford was Lausanne, working on FLASH. Look to collaborate. They have a flash electron machine, which would complement our protons.
     83   * Will hopefully go to Manchester on the 5th March.
     84  * Infrastructure and integration - GA
     85   * Updates to layout waiting on design being finalised.
     86   * Started writing.
     87   * Spoke to CLF. Have a paragraph on safety from them. References to existing lasers. Other issues will be solved with EPAC.
     88    * CLF mentioned shielding should be between target and laser room to allow work on the laser outside the radiation area.
     89   * Progress with costing.  Should have something to circulate on Monday.
     90   * GA to circulate template spreadsheet for costing to WPMs.
     91  * Instrumentation.
     92  * R&D plan
     93   * Meetings with WPMs to update details.
     94   * Should be completed Monday next week.
     95  * Write up
     96   * Review write up in Tuesday meeting next week.
     98== Action items ==
     99 * JPas to send AK beta and alpha as a function of S (calculated by BeamOptics).
     100 * AK to arrange meeting with OE and ZN to discuss R&D plan and write up.
     101 * GA to circulate template spreadsheet for costing to WPMs.
     102 * AK to circulate detailed R&D plan and schedule.