
LhARA Weekly Meeting 28th July 2020; 16:00 BST

Summary of actions

No actions recorded.


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions:
    • KL: Create draft response to referees.
      • Done. Still in editing phase.
    • KL: Create ICHEP talk rehearsal slot for week of 27Jul20
      • Done.
  1. Status of pre-CDR publication: KL/All
    Revised draft of paper and response to the referees in preparation. Goal is to circulate it for comment later this week.
  1. Updates:
    • Progress on source and capture since finalisation of the pre-CDR: HTL & TSD
      See slides. Points noted:
      • In response to a question from TG, the direction of travel towards a description of the aberations observed with the prototype lens in Surrey.
      • GJ asked about the length of time the simulation takes to run. The present set up takes several days to run.
    • Simulation and experiment meeting update: AK, WS
      • Restart of the meeting series was today; TSD, HTL presented the status of their work (see next item). In addition, JM discussed his ideas for instrumentation of the FFA. AK will seek an opportunity to take this forward. with KL and others. Ideas for the development of tests for the scintillating-fibre detectors were akso discussed.
      • Next meeting is in 4 weeks time.

  1. EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call: KL, ALL
    Our expression of interest has been accepted and KL has received an invitation to the briefing event in September. Others may also have received invitations.
    Colin too;
    • Development of link with RFI and joint meeting on instrumentation, diagnostics etc.: TP
      • KL (for TP): a Doodle to identify possible dates for the meeting was being prepared. A discussion with opposite numbers in the RFI had take place. RMcl and TP are now working with L.Holland (RFI) on the organisation of the meeting. The goal is that this would take place some time in September.
      Updates on:
    • PPI:
      • GJ and HHall now developing a PPI/communication strategy. The idea is that the needs of the proposal to the EPSRC THT call would be an item in the longer-term strategy.
      • GJ reported that HHall had a background in public relations and is preparating an entry to the logo competition. Judging needs to include PPI representatives, but, probably not HH in view of his entry.
      • GJ discussed the PPI meeting of the CXH PPI group held vertually via ZOOM. The discussion had been good. In particular, the group identified the need to include consideration of aspects of the LhARA programme that could generate impact in the short term in the development of the EPSRC proposal.
      • GJ raised the issue of outreach/communication alongside the PPI strategy. We noted the need to get name recognition and that therefore some outreach must form part of the strategy. More discussion will be required.
  1. DoNM:
    • 25Aug20; 14:00 BST

  1. AOB
    • There was a concensus that the Rbio meetings organised by JP were successful and generated good discussion and ideas.


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions:
    • KL: Create draft response to referees.
      • Done. Still in editing phase.
    • KL: Create ICHEP talk rehearsal slot for week of 27Jul20
      • Done.
  1. Status of pre-CDR publication: KL/All
    Revised draft of paper and response to the referees in preparation. Goal is to circulate it for comment later this week.
  1. Updates:

  1. EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call: KL, ALL
    Our expression of interest has been accepted and KL has received an invitation to the briefing event in September. Others may also have received invitations.
  1. AOB

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Aug 11, 2020, 2:46:33 PM

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