
LhARA Weekly Meeting 27th October 2020; 14:00 BST


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions
    • Status of actions:
      • None recorded.

  1. Updates:
    • Any update: All
  1. Next steps discussion: All

Need to begin to work on the next steps in the programme, including preparation of full proposal to EPSRC so that we can complete the application in good time if we are invited to submit.

  • Date of Outline Proposal review panel meeting: week commencing 23Nov20. So, likely to know result first week of December.
  • Deadline for Full proposals: 16:00 10Feb21. So about 8 weeks from start of December with the Christmas/New Year break in between.
  1. DoNM:
    • 03Nov20; 14:00 BST

  1. AOB

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Oct 27, 2020, 1:59:49 PM
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