
LhARA Weekly Meeting 14th November 2020; 14:00 GMT


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions
    • Status of actions:
      • None recorded.

  1. Updates:
    • Any update: All
    • CW: is working on an update to the geometry of the next Gabor lens prototype. HTL has got a particle distribution from SMILEI. Transition from 2D to 3D particle distribution is now better understood. SMILEI also tracks the pths of electrons. An effort needs to be made to study how well the proton-beam charge is neutralised. This will come soon and is of importance in understanding accelerator.
    • WS: OPAL simulation development continues.
  1. Next steps discussion: All
    Time line for EPSRC THT proposal:
    • Date of Outline Proposal review panel meeting: week commencing 23Nov20.
    • Deadline for Full proposals: 16:00 10Feb21.

  1. Radiobiology programme and articulation of LhARA USPs: J. Parsons, A. Giacca
    • JPar has sent invitation to a subset of people to seek a quorum for the discussion of the biology programme and the LhARA USPs. Looks like the meeting will be early in the new year. JPar will fix the date as soon as he can.
    • JPar also advertise the radiobiology meeting 15:00 Friday 27Nov20 at which Kevin Prise (Belfast) will make a presentation.
  1. Preparation by w/p identified in our THT proposal:
    1 Outline Conceptual Design Report for the PoP biological-assessment facility: R. McLauchlan, T. Price
    • RMcL reported that she and TP are working on a syster meeting to the one JPar is organising. They will follow up tomorrow. Likely that the CDR/instrumentation meeting, which will require input from the discussion JPar is organising, will take place in January too.
    2 Proton- and ion-acoustic imaging: J. Bamber, P. Beard
    • Discussion of steps in ionacoustic imaging programme took place last week. Key need is to find a beam with the required characteristics. AK proposed that the water phantomn required for the ionacoustic experiment be instrumented using SmartPhantom planes.
    3 Evaluation of the benefits of the initiative & optimisation of the R&D programme: S. Green, P. Price
    • No update.
    4 Development of next steps in LhARA accelerator R&D programme: C. Whyte, J. Pasternak
    • No update.
  1. Summary/outreach documents:
    • Mission statement: S. Green
      • Updated draft attached at this link. Request that comments be sent to S.Green with CC to KL.
    • Timeline: today to clinical system: K.Long, T.Kolkalova-Wheldon
      • KL had prepared a time-line graphic, but, needs to recover it as it has been missplaced.
    • PPI Strategy: H.Hall, G.Jones
      • No udate.
    • Industrial strategy: F.Jamieson, S.Towe
      • No udate.
    • Stakeholder plan: P.Price, S.Green, K. Long
      • No udate.
  • We discussed the creation of LhARA "front-of-house" pages. KL will email S.Fayer to ask for advice.

  1. DoNM :
    • 01Dec20; 14:00 GMT

  1. AOB
    • A number of particants noted that it had been hard to find the ZOOM details. KL will circulate the details more carefully in future.


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions
    • Status of actions:
      • None recorded.

  1. Updates:
    • Any update: All
  1. Next steps discussion: All
    Time line for EPSRC THT proposal:
    • Date of Outline Proposal review panel meeting: week commencing 23Nov20.
    • Deadline for Full proposals: 16:00 10Feb21.

  1. Radiobiology programme and articulation of LhARA USPs: J. Parsons, A. Giacca
  1. Preparation by w/p identified in our THT proposal:
    1 Outline Conceptual Design Report for the PoP biological-assessment facility: R. McLauchlan, T. Price
    2 Proton- and ion-acoustic imaging: J. Bamber, P. Beard
    Evaluation of the benefits of the initiative & optimisation of the R&D programme: S. Green, P. Price
    Development of next steps in LhARA accelerator R&D programme: C. Whyte, J. Pasternak
  1. Summary/outreach documents:
  1. DoNM :
    • 01Dec20; 14:00 GMT

  1. AOB

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Nov 24, 2020, 3:07:53 PM

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