
Version 7 (modified by longkr, 3 years ago) ( diff )


LhARA fortnightly Meeting 9th November 2021; 14:00 GMT



  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions
    • Status of actions:
      • KL: make initial list of RCs and initiate identification of contacts.
      • PW: provide Hesletine and Heseltine Institute reports to PP
        • Notes provided by PW:
          • The Heseltine report essentially said the NW would benefit from the building of a new light source such as 4GLS at Daresbury Laboratory. To promote 4GLS we developed three large documents, a Conceptual Design Report, a Science Landscape Document and a Business Case. The latter two are relevant to promoting LhARA and are attached. If you cover the headings in the reports it should cover all you need.

The Business Case was supported by a room full of back up documents and was examined over three days by three Government Inspectors who judged it to be the best Business Case they had seen. This is the kind of thing that is looked at by Treasury who are interested in the money not the Science. The Research Councils looked at the Science Landscape. We came very close with 4GLS and that was how we got the money for ALICE which was supposed to be stage 1 of the project.

  • KL: Put together a list of MPs with institutes/entitities in their area who are part of the LhARA collaboration or who may benefit.
    • Started, albeit vicariously! Linked file provided by Mike Charlton for Wales. Will follow up.
  1. Preparation of LhARA proposal and work package reports:
    • Skeleton and planning: K. Long
    • Stakeholder plan update: J. Parsons, P. Price
    • Work package reports:
      1. Project Management: J. Parsons, C. Whyte
      2. Laser-driven source: E. Boella, N. Dover, R. Gray
      3. Ion capture: M. Charlton, W. Bertsche
      4. Dose-deposition profiling: J. Bamber, J. Mattheson
      5. Vertical beam line and biological end station development: R. McLauchlan, T. Price
      6. Accelerator design and integration: N. Bliss, J. Pasternak
  1. Outreach:
    1. Publications:
      • White paper: K. Long
      • LhARA design update: J. Pasternak
      • WWW update: K. Long
    2. Conferences:
      • FLASH
      • Vienna Conference on Instrumentation
  1. DoNM :
    • 23Nov21

  1. AoB

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