
Version 6 (modified by longkr, 2 years ago) ( diff )


LhARA Executive Board 23Feb22; 10:00 GMT


Present: A. Giacca, T. Greenshaw, K. Long, P. Price, Y. Prezado, C. Whyte Apologies: J. Parsons

  1. Notes and actions: All
    No actions recorded, so move on.
  1. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment discussion progress: KL/AG/CW/All
    Last week two meetings took place to work towards understanding of how LhARA/ITRF will be funded. The first was KL and AG with H. Owen and N. Bliss; in the second CW joined the group. Points noted:
    • Good will on all sides to find the route to developing the LhARA/ITRF programme together.
    • Clear tension in the distribution of the £2M notional budget. Are assuming that money will become available September/October. So, some lead time to prepare. Tension arises because the £2M does not cover all desires. AG/KL arguing consistently that appropriate derisking of LhARA programme is the correct prioritisation for the investment.
    • Discussion of organisation structure (org chart) for the activity. After some initial discussion the structure is being discussed via an "org chart". CW and N.Bliss are actively discussing how the activity should be organised. The present proposal is linked here.
    Discussions will continue next week.
  1. Status of preparation of the proposal and discussion: All
    The status of the proposal was discussed. Most sections now have draft text and figures. The planning for the 2+3 year programme is taking shape. Present status of proposal document linked here. Outstanding sections requiring input from EB members:
    • 1.1 Scientific case (JP, YP)
    • 1.2 Technological advancement (TG)
    • 1.3 Impact
      One of the leads left Imperial. Agreed this section would be drafted by KL and PP and circulated for comment.
    • 2.4 Timeline for the LhARA initiative:
      KL has reached out to one of the lead authors. We agreed that this section would be drafted in collaboration by KL and PP
    • 4. Conclusions (AG, KL)
    We agreed to add the following sections:
    • Ethics
    • Sustainability
    We discussed the timeline for completion of the document:
    • Completed text: 08Apr22
    • Circulate to collaboration for comment with 1 week deadline;
    • Finalised document by 22Apr22 -- gives 1 week contingency before collaboration meeting
    We agreed to:
    • Propose this time table to the WPMs at next Tuesday's meeting;
    • Then advertise to the collaboration;
    • KL will keep M. Lamont Chair of the CCAP IAB appraised of the developments
  1. Planning for collaboration meeting, 27Apr22, and peer-group event, 28Apr22
    Yesterday those at the LhARA fortnightly agreed to do the meeting at RAL. We agreed:
    • KL: Propose to the collaboration that the collaboration meeting will be held in mixed mode at RAL and solicit comments;
    • KL: Book conference room and pre-book accommodation for the 27Apr22.
  1. DONM
    • 09Mar22; 10:00 GMT
  1. AoB
    • None


  1. Notes and actions: All
  1. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment discussion progress: KL/AG/CW/All
  1. Status of preparation of the proposal and discussion: All
  1. Planning for collaboration meeting, 27Apr22, and peer-group event, 28Apr22
  1. DONM
  1. AoB

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