Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-05-01

Jun 1, 2022, 10:58:46 AM (3 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-05-01

    v1 v2  
    11= LhARA Executive Board 01Jun22; 10:00 GMT =
    3 **ZOOM:**
     3**Present:** AG, TG, DK, KL, JPar, YP, CW
    5 == Agenda ==
     5== Notes ==
    771. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-05-18 Notes] and actions: All \\
    88 - Status of actions:
    99  * **KL** contact Leo Cancer Care
     10   * **Stands.**
    1011  * **JPar** will organise a meeting with WP5 managers to thrash out the Gantt chart and final project management details.
     12   * **Done.**
    1113  * **PP** will revise the "route to clinic" section.
     14   * **Done.**
    13162. Status of preparation of the proposal and discussion: All \\
     17 - Only known issue now is the alignment of WP1 and WP6 milestones and deliverable milestones.  CW and J.Pasternak are now resolving the remaining issues.
     18 - When these issues are addressed we freeze and move on to initiating the review and developing the programme.
    15203. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment discussion progress: All \\
     21 - When proposal is done, need to complete "Working methods" document and then negotiate the codicil that specifies the deliverables provided by the funding from the ITRF line.
     22 - Need now to initiate the preparation of the JeS submissions.  This implies generation of the "master Jes" (**action KL**), iteration with institutes on the costings etc.  Action here is to contact Director PPD and the relevant programme manager in the Programmes Directorate of STFC (**action KL**).
     23 - Need instrumentation expertise from Liverpool for preparation of the CDR.
    17254. Raising the resources for the initiative: All
     26 - YP summarised the proposal she is preparing for an "International Research Project" grant from CNRS.  This would provide 50k-75k Euros mainly for travel and would be used to support work on the LhARA end-station specification, development of the SmartPhantom etc, and some experimental work.
     27 - Paul Instrument Fund is a potential vehicle to target for the ion-acoustic development.
     28 - **KL** will organise a meeting with AG, JPar, and YP to find a set of targets for proposals from verious UK funding agencies and the EU.
     29  - We discussed teh possibility of an ITN application, for this we should seek to involve C.Welsch who has a track record of success in this area.
     30 - **KL** will follow up with Wellcome to ask for a response to our letter of introduction.
    19325. Outreach: All
     33 - Need to progress seminar series and other outreach activities when work resumes next week.
    21 7. DONM
     357. DONM
     36 - 15Jun22; 16:00 BST
    23388. AoB
     39 - None.
     41=== Summary of actions ===
     43 * **KL** contact Leo Cancer Care
     44 * **KL** initiate creation of "master JeS"
     45 * **KL** contact Director PPD and the relevant programme manager in the Programmes Directorate of STFC.
     46 * **KL** will organise a meeting with AG, JPar, and YP to find a set of targets for proposals from verious UK funding agencies and the EU.
     47 * **KL** will follow up with Wellcome to ask for a response to our letter of introduction.