Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-05-27

May 27, 2022, 3:52:43 PM (2 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-05-27

    v1 v2  
    55== Agenda ==
    7 1. Update on proposal: KL/CW/All \\
     71. Update on proposal: KL/CW/All
    9 2. Budget discussion: KL/CW/All \\
     9 - Brief summary of proposal:
     10  - Document complete and out for final comments.
     11  - Agreement with STFC on budget: from £2M anticipated from Infrastructure Fund, ~£1.5M has been allocated to ITRF WP1 (LhARA) and ~£0.33M allocated to DL/TD contributions to LhARA conventional facilities and costing.
     12  - Working methods document is being finalised.  Now need to work on allocations to LhARA WPs so that we can write a codicil to the "Working Methods" document that defines what will be delivered for the resource coming through the ITRF line.
     142. Budget discussion: KL/CW/All
     16 - CW presented a summary of discussion of how to distribute the £1.5M allocated ti ITRF WP1.  A broad agreement on how the money should allocated was arrived at:
     17  - Allocate resource to address key risks in the project.  We reviewed the risk register and noted the critical risks in the various WPs.
     18  - We noted that:
     19   - The ion-acoustic dose-profile measurement is critical to the programme, i.e. there is risk to the LhARA programme if it is not made to work; and
     20   - That the application of the ion-acoustic technique is sufficiently broad that there is opportunity to raise resource for this activity from sources outside the ITRF envelope.
     21  - We also noted that the present request for WP2 amounts to half the available resource.
     23 * We agreed that KL and CW proceed on the following basis:
     24  - Allocations must be in line with the project risk register;
     25  - Resources must be retained to ensure LhARA Project Manager has sufficient time to carry out his role;
     26  - The opportunity for additional resource to be raised to support WP4 from outside the programme be factored into the WP4 allocation.
     28 * KL and CW will work to develop the details of the allocations with the work-package managers.
    11303. Review of what we agreed: All
     32 - Noted above.