Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-06-15

Jun 15, 2022, 5:37:54 PM (2 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-06-15

    v2 v3  
    11= LhARA Executive Board 15Jun22; 16:00 GMT =
    3 **ZOOM:**
     3**Present:** KL, CW, PP, TG, JPar
    55== Agenda ==
    20202. External review of proposal; ToR: All \\
     21 - All were happy with the draft ToR.  Agreed to continue.
    22233. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment progress: All \\
     24 - Working Methods document needs to be updated.  **KL** to raise with H.Owen.
     25 - CW discussed status of definition of programme to be carried out supported by the ITRF resource.  Headlines of the discussion:
     26  - WP1: need to define principle goals, will discuss under item 4 below.
     27  - WP2: clear plan agreed; maintenance of credible consumable budget is an issue.
     28  - WP3: discussion cancelled due to illness.
     29  - WP4: discussion not scheduled yet.  Direction of travel clear.
     30  - WP5: clear plan agreed.  Unlikely to be able to do much/any cyclotron work.
     31  - WP6: discussion not scheduled yet.  Tacit agreement about what the programme will be.  We noted that we needed to clarify whether there is a confict of interest for N.Bliss given his role as overall ITRF Project Manager.
     32 - Overleaf; document prepared to define programme (cost, schedule, milestones, risks, etc.).
     33  - **Agreed** need to add section to recognised contributions in cash or in kind so that funding for the programme being executed is clearly defined.
     34 - Also discussed with WPMs (where there were meetings) opportunities for proposals to raise the missing resource.
     35 - **Agreed:** Need to get the project meetings more "professionally" organised now.  Collaboration meetings need now to be set at least a year in advance.  Kick-off meeting in October.  Probably then another meeting after 4 months, then a 6-monthly schedule.
     36 - **Agreed:** to ask DK to to set start date in Gantt now that the funding announcement has been made.
    24384. Raising the resources for the initiative: KL, All \\
    2539 [raw-attachment:2022-06-15-Long.pptx Slides]
     40 - See slides, points noted:
     41  - Key goals for WP1:
     42    - Support collaboration in making bids with a value of ~£500k onthe timecale of Christmas 2022;
     43    - Seek to secure and additional £1.5M--£2M into LhARA programme over the Preliminary Activity.
     44    - In consultation with WP5, agree goals for user, community, and public engagement.
     45  - We discussed the importance of evaluating the importance of the study of normal tissue response.
    27475. DONM
    28  - To be agreed
     48 - 07Jul22
    30506. AoB
     51 - We discussed the outreach activity to be developed following the ITRF announcement and agreed we would:
     52  - Follow up with Action Radiotherapy;
     53  - Develop a "press release from the LhARA collaboration"
     54  - Encorage LhARA institutes to make their own, local, outreach activity to promote the progamme (**action TG**)
     55 - For future meeting, discuss:
     56  - Does LhARA need to establish a charity that can receive money to be used to promote the collaboration's programme;
     57  - The collaboration agreement.
     59== Summary actions ==
     60 * **KL** Liaise with H.Owen et al over working methods document;
     61 * **KL** Liaise with DK and others over collaboration meeting dates;
     62 * **TG** Liaise with IB and others to encourage institute-specific outreach activities on the back of the ITRF announcement.