
LhARA Executive Board 02Nov22; 16:00 GMT


  1. Notes and actions: All

    Status of actions:
  • KL Liaise with H.Owen et al over working methods document;
  • KL Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review.
  • AG consider LhARA pitch to EPSRC/MRC sandpit event.
  1. Proposal; status of JeS: KL, CW
  1. LhARA Project progress report (new standing item): CW
  1. Update on external review of proposal; KL, All

  1. Update/discussion of EPSRC/MRC sandpit call: All

  1. DONM
    • 16Nov22; 16:00 BST
  1. AoB

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