Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/LaySummary

Apr 10, 2020, 5:05:58 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/LaySummary

    v2 v3  
    33== LhARA pre-CDR ==
    4 * [ Present version of the draft pre-CDR]
    5 * [ Material prepared for or presented at the pre-publication review of the pre-CDR]
    6  * This page also contains links to the reviewers' evaluation.  For ease of access the relevant files are linked once more here:
    7   * [ Draft evaluation from the panel]
    8    * [ Y.Prezado's letter] evaluating the radiobiological aspects of the programme based on the draft pre-CDR and the 25^th^ March 2020 review meeting;
    9    * [ P.Bolton's] evaluation of the programme based on the draft pre-CDR and the material prepared for the review meetings on the 25^th^ and 31^st^ March 2020.
     4[ Present version of the draft pre-CDR]
     6== Pre-publication review of the draft pre-CDR by an international expert panel ==
     7[ Material prepared for or presented at the pre-publication review of the pre-CDR]
     8* This page also contains links to the reviewers' evaluation.  For ease of access the relevant files are linked once more here:
     9 * [ Draft evaluation from the panel]
     10  * [ Y.Prezado's letter] evaluating the radiobiological aspects of the programme based on the draft pre-CDR and the 25^th^ March 2020 review meeting;
     11  * [ P.Bolton's] evaluation of the programme based on the draft pre-CDR and the material prepared for the review meetings on the 25^th^ and 31^st^ March 2020.
     13== Skeleton publication ==
     14[ Draft 0.0]: skeleton of the publication
     16== Request ==
     17The LhARA team believes that it is valuable for a lay summary to be included in both the pre-CDR and the publication that is now being prepared based on the draft pre-CDR.  The request therefore is that a lay summary be prepared for each.
     19There is no word/page limit for the Lay Summary to be included in the pre-CDR.  For the publication, the journal has a 350 word limit on the article's abstract.  We therefore propose a 350-word limit on the lay summary to be included in the publication.
     21The journal requires that we submit the article by the 30^th^ April 2020, so there is a deadline for the 350-word Lay Summary for the publication.  The pre-CDR will be "published" as a CCAP Technical Note and so we are able to re-issue the pre-CDR as required.  This makes it possible to consider different timescales for the Lay Summary included in the pre-CDR and that for the publication.
     23== Links to further information ==
     24For completeness I include [ here] the link to the wiki page used by the LhARA team to share information in the preparation of the pre-CDR.