
Version 1 (modified by dkordopa, 3 years ago) ( diff )


WP5 meeting with the Project Office

02 September 2021

TP – discussion with Carsten Welch (CaW )

  1. Instrumentation in beam pipe – non intercepting unless beam moves off track. Gives you the beam info but does not measure what goes into the cells.
  2. Gas profiler – 10 yrs work non-invasive, measurements with small e beam – can get 2d profile of beam as it passes detector. Minimal beam perturbation.

Requirement is for pulse to pulse intensity only – remainder of beam system selects for energy and species, so only require intensity.

Much of diagnostics for LhARA could be tested at Birmingham without vertical beamline.

  • Short pulses and small sizes requires money CaW happy to contribute from Cockroft but will need ‘leader’ to support students – 2PDRA for 2 years between Cockroft + BHam.

Gas profiler – test, use with scaled down beam and then specify system for final implementation.

Assume profiles are Ok – 2 x 1D profiles. 2D profile needs TP silicon system – @ £0.5M.

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