
Version 4 (modified by cwhyte1, 3 years ago) ( diff )


16th of December 2021 - Plenary meeting


  1. Recap LhARA Meeting 15th Dec 2021 - CW

Encouraging day, exellent progress reported. CAase for LhARA funding strengthened. Useful discussion with ITRF

  1. Response to re-cost exercise
  • WP1 - Project Management

WP2 response: ND,RG staff cut to minimum, moved some money from staff into access costs for SCAPA to preserve essential expt program. CW possibly consider 'end of year' money to replace some of equipment budget

  • WP3 No staff present
  • WP4 No staff present
  • WP5 Important to preserve 1) staff at 'significant fraction' of an FTE (ie>0.25FTE) 2) user engagement
  • WP6 No staff present
  1. LhARA Proposal Overleaf Document - several WP 'complete' a few missing input but Po know this exists elsewhere. Encourage to complete when possibel. Pre-Xmas now looking difficult. Aim for Mid-Jan
  1. Staffing Costs - moving towards 'real numbers' and Staff table
  1. AOB

-Kl propose 'new' method of exchanging/sharing files. Onedrive and sharepoint can be integrated into users pc/mac 'explorer' Details to be circulated later.

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