
Gabor Lens meeting: 07May20; 16:00 BST

Present: KL, RB, TSD, HTL, AK, CW


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All
    • KL: (Re)initiate contact with O.Ettlinger, G.Hicks to find support for starting SMILEI source simulations
      • Done.
    • TSD: Attempt some tutorial examples from VSIM
      • Done.
    • JPo: Provide TSD with the geometry of the present prototype Gabor lens
      • Stands.
    • KL/RB: Take a look at the Bingham et al paper on laser-driven accelerator for medicine
      • Stands.
    • RB: Introduce Titus to D. Spears and find the ISIS person to contact about access to VSim
      • Stands.
  1. Review of calculation of instability: RB
    No report this week. Need to revisit.

  1. Updates on the particle generation: HT
    Just beginning to set up the SMILEI simulation. Waiting for info from George Hicks to get going on simulation.

Some issues to do with setting up an "ephemeral drive" so that jobs can be compiled locally and then submitted remotely.

  1. Updates on the simulation of Gabor lens: TSD
    Now has access to SCARF, but not to the group that is allowed to run VSIM. So, still stalled re running examples.

Is now trying to generate VSIM using ascii interface. Has now defined geometry based on CW drawing from last week. Needs advice now from David Spears.

Need to get permission to run on SCARF from relevant person from RAL. John Carry at TechX needs to be contacted to understand about buying a license. CW will make contact with David Spears. TSD will understand machine requirements. RB will find the relevant contact in ISIS.

  1. Discussion of next steps: All
    Need to get access to the relevant codes for particle production and VSIM.

AK asked whether SMILEI could also be used to study the plasm instabilities. AK will circulate documentation so that experts on plasma instability can judge whether SMILEI can be used instead of (or as well as) VSIM.

Summary of actions:

  • JPo: Provide TSD with the geometry of the present prototype Gabor lens
  • KL/RB: Take a look at the Bingham et al paper on laser-driven accelerator for medicine
  • CW: Introduce Titus to D. Spears and find the ISIS person to contact about access to VSim
  • TSD: Advise on machine requirements for our use of VSIM
  • RB: Advise on VSIM contact in ISIS
  • AK: Circulate relevant documentation on SMILEI so that experts can judge whether the code can be used for instability simulation


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All
    • KL: (Re)initiate contact with O.Ettlinger, G.Hicks to find support for starting SMILEI source simulations
    • TSD: Attempt some tutorial examples from VSIM
    • JPo: Provide TSD with the geometry of the present prototype Gabor lens
    • KL/RB: Take a look at the Bingham et al paper on laser-driven accelerator for medicine
    • RB: Introduce Titus to D. Spears and find the ISIS person to contact about access to VSim
  1. Review of calculation of instability: RB

  1. Updates on the particle generation: HT
  1. Updates on the simulation of Gabor lens: TSD
  1. Discussion of next steps: All

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