
Gabor Lens meeting: 25Jun20; 16:00 BST

Present: CW, RB, KL, TSD, HTK


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All

  1. Updates on the particle generation: HT
    See slides. Progress on evaluating convergence of simulation presented. Indication that convergence is observed with ~480 PIC. HTL will review grid size, look at sizes of bands to try and relate them to the length of the laser pulse.
    Further investigations are planned. Shortly will need to engage with O.Ettlinger and G.Hicks and perhaps other experts to make sure that the results that are being generated are validated.
  1. Updates on VSim simulations: TSD
    See slides. The magnetic field had been raised to increase containment. The result of this was that the plasma filled the volume more effectively. The plasma evolved to a distribution with a reduced density on access. This remains a worry.
    CW reported that he had increased the bore from 70mm to 90mm for a test. The reason for this to try to ensure that the beam will see a uniform electron density.
  1. ERC proposal: KL/All
    • Draft "abstract"
      Comments were requested on the abstract. We agreed that the abstract was a reasonable summary of the scope that had been agreed.
  1. AOB: All
    T.Nonnenmacher should have an agenda item at future meetings to allow him to summarise progress on the paper.


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All

  1. Updates on the particle generation: HT
  1. Updates on VSim simulations: TSD
  1. ERC proposal: KL/All
  1. AOB: All

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Jul 17, 2020, 7:44:55 AM

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