
Gabor Lens meeting: 13Aug20; 16:00 BST


Present: KL, BB, CW, TSD, TN, HTL

  1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All
    No actions recorded.
  1. Description of beam measurements included in the paper: TN
    Discussion of structure of aberrations. RB noted that rotating plasma may cause effect. He believed could estimate frequency of plasma rotation given results on intensity of proton beam.

  1. Updates on the particle generation: HT
    Excellent initial attempt to produce sampled distributions from the distributions produced by SMILEI. Consider now passing the sampled distributions to BDS and/or GPT.
    Electron ditributions; paper found by BB. Discussion between HLT and M.King on the results of the HTL simulations to gain confidence and refine simulations.
  1. Updates on the simulation of IC lens: TSD
    With parameters used the rotation of the plasma is observed to rotate by no significant deviation of centre of rotation from axis of lens is observed. Discussion of possible size of plasma size and rotation determined by dynamic forces.
  1. ERC proposal: KL/All
    Updated "B1"
    New version prepared and circulated for comment.
    Updated "B2"
    First complete version prepared. Sent to some for comment.
  1. AOB: All


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All
    • None
  1. Description of beam measurements included in the paper: TN

  1. Updates on the particle generation: HT
  1. Updates on the simulation of IC lens: TSD
  1. ERC proposal: KL/All
    Updated "B1"
    Updated "B2"
  1. AOB: All

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Aug 13, 2020, 5:21:36 PM

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