
Gabor Lens meeting: 26MAY2022; 16:00 BST

Present: CB(chair),KL,CW,TD,EB
Apologies: MC,AK


  • 1. No outstanding actions
  • 3. CB reported on ongoing Supercomputing Wales VSim evaluation with PlasmaToyModel.
  • 2a. TD reported on VSim PlasmaToyModel scaling on SCARF. Useful discussion regarding possible issues and speedup ensued.
  • 2b. TD reported on continued study of solenoid/fieldmaps with BGT, followed by discussion of real vs. simulated windings/solenoids. Potential use of kA PSU's discussed.
  • 4a. Clarifications of proposal cost updates, timings, and next steps following Tuesdays fortnightly meeting
  • 4b. All expected comments for design update returned and being processed.
  • 5. DoNM: 9MAY2022 9JUN2022

Summary of actions:


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: Chair/All
  1. Simulation update: TD
  1. Swansea update: CB
  1. Proposal and design update paper update: CB
  1. AOB: All

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