
Gabor Lens meeting: 30JUN2022; 16:00 BST

Present: CB(Chair), TD, SE, JP
Apologies: MC, EB


1 No actions from previous meeting

3 TD repeated previous information (mainly for CB) of 400A & kA hollow conductor options, and potential laser access issues (TD discussing with WP1). RAL concerns relayed, such as leaky manifolds. Other RAL suggestions discussed (anodised Al, transformer wire), all of which have concerns regarding insulation breakdown. TD to further look at Al options. RAL also suggest high Tc SC options.

2a ITRF approved as STFC Infrastructure fund scoping project. WP3 managed to maintain originally reprofiled funding of £398k, although others weren't so lucky. Inflationary pressures have already increased WP3 costs >£405k, still waiting on further details, although in-kind contributions (such as SCW) anticipated to return final costings to budget. Proposal etc. still with IAB.
2b Design update paper still sitting offline, but essentially ready to upload.

4 CB submitted abstract to APS DPP - apologies for short notice & limited collaborative review.

Summary of actions:



  1. Introduction, notes and actions: Chair/All
  1. Proposal and paper update: CB
  1. Solenoid update: TD
  1. AOB: All

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