
Gabor Lens meeting: 7JUL2022; 16:00 BST

Present: CB(Chair), BB, CW, TD, EB, SE, KL
Apologies: MC


1a - No actions from previous meeting

2a - CB update on proposal from Tuesday's fortnightly: addendum being written for ITRF milestones. Master JeS in progress. Next collaboration meeting in Liverpool on 14Oct2022.
2b - Design update paper contribution still held offline.

3 - Recall magnet effort is part of risk reduction. Previously, a summer Student investigated SC option. NC now being pursued.
Plasma appears to have fewer loses than solenoid. Original cone might not be best solution. Discussions occurring with GBT developers.

4a - BB highlighted use of magnets elsewhere. Talks planned, info. to be distributed.
4b - Press release expected (likely initiated by Daresbury), Uni's may wish to follow - relevant discussions should start.
4c - New TD magnet info. may want to be included in design update paper, although consistency might be compromised. Wait for early full draft.

Summary of actions:



  1. Introduction, notes and actions: Chair/All
  1. Proposal and paper update: CB
  1. Solenoid update: TD
  1. AOB: All

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