Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/06-11

Jun 11, 2019, 10:04:18 AM (5 years ago)



  • Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/06-11

    v1 v2  
    16 Full list of telephone contacts may be found [raw-attachment:Z0-Phone-details.pdf here].
     16Full list of telephone contacts may be found [ here].
    1818== Notes: ==
    2020**Present:** JB, KL, AK, HT, LC
    22 1. Outline of design: LC \\
    23  Present design for gluing jig was described (see [raw-attachment:190529-SmartPhantom.pdf slides]). 
    24  *  Questions raised:
    25   * What resin should be used?  We discussed trade-off between viscosity and fibre spacing.  Need to take advice from Resin Lab.
    26   * How to will a doublet layer be wound?  Concept is that former is used to wind one layer of fibres.  Fibres themselves for the support for the second layer.
    27   * What is the minimum bending radius of the fibre and does the lobe
    28     match the minium bend radius for the fibre?  We discussed the issue
    29    of micro-cracks, which may degrade optical performance, and the possibility
    30    of fibre breaking.  We agreed that we would need to address the fibre-breaking issue
    31    to avoid a lot of wasted time and material during manufacture.
    32    * **AK** agreed to find minimum bending radius;
    33    * **LC** will consider options for stopping the unravelling during manufacture.
    34  * We discussed how to move forward and **//agreed//** to move to prototype manufacture when:
    35   * LC had a chance to think about a means of mitigating issues arising from fibre breaks;
    36   * Input had been received from the Resin Lab about the various gluing issues;
    37   * Samples of printed circuit board (**JB** to supply spec) and carbon-fibre sheet have been sourced;
    38  * Further we **agreed**:
    39   * To place an order for clear fibre (**KKL, AK**)
    40   * To consider optical readout next time.
    41 1. Slide from HT:\\
    42  HT presented outline results of his simulation (see [raw-attachment:p207_simulation_stack_nomylar_V.png slide]).  Initial conclusions:
    43   * Mylar OK if thickness is less than 300 microns per sheet
    44    * We also agreed to consider aluminium or black (anodised) aluminium
    45     * The use of (e.g.) 50 micron aluminium will be checked in simulation (**HT**).
    46 3. **Agreed** to meet next week:
    47   * 11:00 Tuesday 11Jun19
     221. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/06-05 last meeting]:
     23* **AK** agreed to find minimum bending radius;
     24* **LC** will consider options for stopping the unravelling during manufacture.
     25* **AK,KL** place an order for clear fibre
     26* **HT** check use of (e.g.) 50 micron aluminium in simulation
     27* **JB** supply printed circuit board spec
     292. Simulation update: HTL \\
     313. Optical readout considerations: JB \\
     334. Next steps
     355. DONM
     376. AoB