Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/11-06

Nov 6, 2019, 11:36:16 AM (5 years ago)



  • Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/11-06

    v2 v3  
    11= SmartPhantom meetings: Wednesday 6^th^ November 2019 =
    3 === Meeting details ===
     3== Summary of actions: ==
     4 * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
     5 * **LC**: Complete detailed design of the boot.
     6 * **HTL** will send summary simulations to indicate how close first SciFi layer must be to cell layer.
     7 * **AK**: Will send HTL the LabView code.
     8 * **HTL**: Request thickness of culture flask window from MP.
     9 * **LC**: arrange packing of winding jig and inform HTL who will arrange transport.
     11== Notes: ==
     131. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/10-30 last meeting]:
     14 * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
     15  * **Stands.**
     16 * **LC**: Complete detailed design of the boot.
     17  * **Stands.**  Spoke to Cyril; by next week expect i/p.
     18 * **MP**: Send autocad drawing of flask holder to LC.
     19  * **Done.**
     20 * **LC** create drawing of station-holder concept: stations fixed to culture flask and station fixed at entry to water phantom.
     21  * **Done.** See slides.
     22 * **MP**: Provide trigger-pulse shape.
     23  * **Done.** MP provided the following specification:
     24   * Trigger signal is a TTL (rectangular) standard; duration from 10 ns to 650 us.
     25 * **KL** deal with projected overspend on IC IAA account and estimate of resource required from PPD.
     26  * **In progress.** Need to discuss projected spend with LC.  Money is now tight, but fortunately we've made most of the orders (I hope).
     282. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC \\
     29 [raw-attachment:191106-SmartPhantom.pdf Slides.]
     30 * Present solution puts SciFi too far from cell layer.  Various ideas to get it closer discussed.  LC will look into a design revision.
     31 * **HTL** will send summary simulations to indicate how close first SciFi layer must be to cell layer.  HTL; assumption was that first plane was 3mm from the cell layer including the thickness of the culture flask.
     333. Single-fibre test setup: HTL \\
     34 * Waiting for parts from D.Nardini. Expect to have parts ready by end of the day.
     35 * HTL requests AK to send LabView code for motor control.  **AK**: Will send HTL the LabView code.
     36 * **HTL/KL** begin permissions paperwork for use of radioactive source.
     37 * Need to find out from MP (**HTL**) or measure the culture flask so that we know the cell-support layer thickness.
     394. Schedule revision discussion: All \\
     40 * No update; still press on to schedule iteration done for Christmas.
     425. Spend: outstanding requirement: All \\
     43 * No update.
     456. Next steps: All \\
     46 * Arrange transport of winding jig from RAL to IC.
     47 * **LC**: arrange packing of winding jig and inform HTL who will arrange transport.
     497. DONM \\
     50 * Next Wednesday.
     528. AoB \\
     53 * AK: MP and LC now have accounts so that they can access the wiki.
     57== Meeting details ==
    559Videoconference using the Vidyo system. 
    16 === Agenda: ===
     70== Agenda: ==
    18721. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/10-30 last meeting]: