
Version 4 (modified by longkr, 5 years ago) ( diff )


SmartPhantom meetings: Wednesday 13th November 2019; 11:00 GMT

Summary of actions:

  • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
  • LC: arrange packing of winding jig and inform HTL who will arrange transport.


  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
    • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
      • Stands.
    • LC: Complete detailed design of the boot.
      • Done. Reported below.
    • HTL will send summary simulations to indicate how close first SciFi layer must be to cell layer.
      • Done. Simulations had been circulated.
    • AK: Will send HTL the LabView code.
      • Done. HTL is working on the adaptation of the LabView code.
    • HTL: Request thickness of culture flask window from MP.
      • Done. Thickness received from M.Puchalska.
    • LC: arrange packing of winding jig and inform HTL who will arrange transport.
      • Ongoing.
  1. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC
  1. Single-fibre test setup: HTL
    • Ready to go; revision of paperwork for use of source complete.
    • Setting up for initial test with UV LED.
  1. Schedule revision discussion: All
    • Schedue remains as posted previously.
  1. Spend: outstanding requirement: All
    • No new spend identified. Projected overspends identified and discussed with management at RAL and Imperial.
    • Need to quantify precisely.
  1. Next steps: All
    • Execute single-fibre test with UV LED, work towards single fibre test with source.
    • Bring windin jig from RAL to Imperial. Winding now urgent.
  1. DONM
    • Next Wednesday. 13:00 GMT.

  1. AoB
    • None.

Meeting details

Venue: my office: 1105 Blackett Laboratory. Phone details:

  UK: 08082 380274
  Austria: 0800 006612 

  PIN: 5904750902

Full list of telephone contacts may be found here.


  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
  1. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC
  1. Single-fibre test setup: HTL
  1. Schedule revision discussion: All
  1. Spend: outstanding requirement: All
  1. Next steps: All
  1. DONM

  1. AoB

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