
Design and Integration meeting: 24 Jan 2023 15:00 GMT



  • Actions from last meeting.
  • Simulations.
  • AOB


Actions Description Status
22-11-08-04 Will Shields to explore the capability of GPT Optimisation programme (GDFSOLVE) In progress
22-11-22-03 Will Shields to identify a list of anomalies, missing components or errors spotted in the draft Device naming Convention. In progress
22-11-29-01 Elisabetta Boella to provide a new 3D particle distribution from the source. Complete
22-12-06-04 Chris Baker to provide a CAD model of the Gabor Lens test bench In progress
22-12-06-05 Clive Hill to import the CAD model into Creo to provide a better image of the Gabor Lenses. Waiting for CAD model
23-01-17-01 Ajit Kurup to contact Scott Lawrie to learn about Astra. Open
23-01-17-02 Ajit Kurup to get Dockerfiles for BDsim from Will. In progress
23-01-17-03 Ajit Kurup to investigate options for storing data somewhere easily accessible for the collaboration. Open
23-01-24-01 All to prepare the document for the milestone to update the baseline Open


Present: Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte
Apologies: Neil Bliss, Hywel Owen

  • Actions
    • Dockerfiles for BDsim: WS sent AK the link to the Dockerfiles for BDSIM. AK will try these out.
  • JP: spoke to Scott, he is using TraceWin. The license is single user and single machine so we can't use it. Alternatives are Parmilla and Astra.
  • Slides from Will
    • Optimisation using 5 lenses.
    • GDFSolve is now producing solutions.
    • Need to apply nozzle exit aperture cut (2.87mm radius) on the SCAPA distributions.
  • Slides from JP.
    • Optimisation (using BeamOptics code) using SCAPA distribution.
    • Capture section rematching.
    • Can use 1 energy collimator for stage 1 and stage 2 (previous solution required a different collimator for stage 1 and stage 2).
    • Solutions using 7 gabor lenses.
    • Looked at using quads downstream of the RF (after the energy collimator).
    • Looked at using 2 doublets (4 quads) just after exit of the nozzle with a view to being able to increase the aperture if nozzle aperture needs to be increased.
    • Need to simulate using BDSIM.
    • Need to see how quad lattice performs with space charge, previously this was difficult.
  • AOB
    • JP: collab meeting 8/2/23 in Birmingham. Can't make it.
      • WS agreed to give the talk remotely.
    • JP: Milestone to update the baseline is due soon.
      • discussion re readiness for this.
      • Need to prepare a report. AK agreed to be the editor.
Last modified 23 months ago Last modified on Jan 31, 2023, 9:07:09 AM

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