Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2023/2023-01-31

Feb 4, 2023, 1:12:24 PM (22 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2023/2023-01-31

    v1 v2  
    88* Simulations.
    99* AOB
     11== Actions ==
     12|| Actions      || Description  || Status
     13|| 22-11-08-04  || '''Will Shields''' to explore the capability of GPT Optimisation programme (GDFSOLVE)        ||  In progress
     14|| 22-11-22-03  || '''Will Shields''' to identify a list of anomalies, missing components or errors spotted in the draft Device naming Convention.      ||  In progress
     15|| 22-12-06-04  || '''Chris Baker''' to provide a CAD model of the Gabor Lens test bench        ||  In progress
     16|| 22-12-06-05  || '''Clive Hill''' to import the CAD model into Creo to provide a better image of the Gabor Lenses.    ||  Waiting for CAD model
     17|| 23-01-17-01 || '''Ajit Kurup''' to contact Scott Lawrie to learn about Astra.  || Open
     18|| 23-01-17-02 || '''Ajit Kurup''' to get Dockerfiles for BDsim from Will.  || In progress
     19|| 23-01-17-03 || '''Ajit Kurup''' to investigate options for storing data somewhere easily accessible for the collaboration.  || In progress
     20|| 23-01-24-01 || '''All''' to prepare document for the milestone to update the baseline || Open
     21|| 23-01-31-01 || '''Jaroslaw Pasternak''' to ask Titus to generate a new sample of the SCAPA distribution with a larger energy spread. || Open
     23== Notes ==
     24Present:  Neil Bliss, Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte\\
     25Apologies: Hywel Owen
     27        * Actions
     28                * NB: Update on the CAD model.  Chris is having issues with his CAD software. Agreed that it is best to rebuild the model in Creo and  will progress this after the collab meeting.
     29                * AK: Tried looking at the using sharepoint to store data file but had an issue logging in. Might have been an intermittent issue, will try again.
     30                * Preparation of the document to update the baseline.
     31                        * KL: Can capture some of the smaller changes to the baseline in the document and leave the significant changes until the performance has been demonstrated.
     32                        * Discussion.
     33                        * Agreed to present progress in the presentation at the collaboration meeting and then write a document outlining the proposed change to the baseline within a month and then do detailed simulations to be presented at a future collaboration meeting.
     34        * See slides from Will.
     35                * Optimisations with the 5 Gabor lens update and the new 7 gabor lens option.
     36                * JP: Looks promising. Need to check performance of the collimator and track the beam up to end station.
     37                        * WS: Input beam is already cut at 15 MeV +/- 2%. So need a wider spectrum to investigate the collimator.
     38                        * JP to ask Titus to generate a new sample.
     39                        * Update on the vacuum aperture.
     40                                * CW: Updating the nozzle dimensions requires CAD details of the Gabor lens. As Chris is having issues with his CAD software this will be done after the CAD model is rebuilt in Creo.
     41                * The increase in length of the beam line going from the 5 gabor lens solution to the 7 gabor lens lattice is 5.214m.
     42        * Preparation for collab meeting.
     43                * WS to give practice talk at the WP6 meeting next week.