Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2023/2023-02-14

Feb 21, 2023, 1:05:01 PM (17 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2023/2023-02-14

    v2 v3  
    99* Baseline change document preparation.
    1010* AOB
     12== Actions ==
     13|| Actions      || Description  || Status
     14|| 22-11-08-04  || '''Will Shields''' to explore the capability of GPT Optimisation programme (GDFSOLVE)        ||  Complete
     15|| 22-11-22-03  || '''Will Shields''' to identify a list of anomalies, missing components or errors spotted in the draft Device naming Convention.      ||  Complete
     16|| 22-12-06-04  || '''Chris Baker''' to provide a CAD model of the Gabor Lens test bench        ||  In progress
     17|| 22-12-06-05  || '''Clive Hill''' to import the CAD model into Creo to provide a better image of the Gabor Lenses.    ||  In progress
     18|| 23-01-17-01 || '''Ajit Kurup''' to contact Scott Lawrie to learn about Astra.  || Open
     19|| 23-01-17-02 || '''Ajit Kurup''' to get Dockerfiles for BDsim from Will.  || In progress
     20|| 23-01-17-03 || '''Ajit Kurup''' to investigate options for storing data somewhere easily accessible for the collaboration.  || Open
     21|| 23-01-24-01 || '''All''' to prepare document for the milestone to update the baseline || Open
     22|| 23-01-31-01 || '''Jaroslaw Pasternak''' to ask Titus to generate a new sample of the SCAPA distribution with a larger energy spread. || Closed
     24== Notes ==
     25Present:  Neil Bliss, Ajit Kurup,  Jaroslaw Pasternak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte\\
     26Apologies: Ken Long, Hywel Owen
     28        * Actions
     29                * NB: Meeting with Chris Baker about the CAD model tomorrow to build the CAD model from scratch.
     30                * JP: Titus has sent new SCAPA distribution.
     31        * Slides from Will on GPT optimisation.
     32                * Had to optimise in sections as optimising the full lattice doesn't find solutions.
     33                * Investigating solenoid fringe fields.
     34                * Discussion of using field maps in BDSIM.
     35                        * WS: Better to discuss the issue of overlapping fields at the monthly BDSIM dev meeting.
     36                * NB: Would it be good to write down the parameters from the previous version of the baseline to compare to the new one?
     37                        * Discussion.
     38        * Update of the baseline.
     39                * JP: Updating tools to simulate the FFA. Once the simulation of the spiral FFA is done then the parameters for the injection line can be determined.
     40                * NB: ITRF milestone is in March to be reported in early April. Meeting scheduled for 21st March (Project board on 23rd March) but might be best to move this if the date is difficult for Jaroslaw.
     41                        * CW will set up a Doodle for a new date for the meeting.
     42                * 4 (maybe 5) configurations to be investigated.
     43                * Details of the update will be included in the slides to be presented at the meeting.
     44        * AOB
     45                * NB: When do you think details will be ready to do a CAD model of the magnet?
     46                        * Discussion.