Design and Integration meeting: 14 May 2024 15:00 GMT
- Engineering.
- Simulations.
Present: Clive Hill, Ta-Jen Kuo, Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Matt Pereira, Rehanah Razak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte
Apologies: Andy Goulden, Mark Johnson, Hywel Owen,
- Engineering
- CH showed details of the injection scheme for EMMA.
- Discussion on whether the circulating beam will interfere with the circulating beam.
- JP: Kicker can be c-shaped so there won't be a coil in the way of the circulating beam.
- Cavity designs
- MA cavity will just about fit if it's tilted. Width of cavity is 400mm.
- CH showed details of the injection scheme for EMMA.
- Simulations
- WS: Busy with IPAC preparations
- KL: Plot of trajectories at the end station going through a pair of quads.
- Idea is to get a 1mm spot for spot scanning.
- Discussion.
- Discussed moving the weekly WP6 meetings to 4pm.
- Agreed to keep to 3pm until CH's constraint is finished. Then the meeting time will move to 4pm.
- Discussed moving the weekly WP6 meetings to 4pm.
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9 months ago
Last modified on May 21, 2024, 1:48:17 PM
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