Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2024/2024-10-08

Oct 8, 2024, 9:16:27 PM (3 weeks ago)



  • Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2024/2024-10-08

    v1 v2  
    88* Simulations.
    99* AOB
     11== Notes ==
     12Present: Clive Hill, Will Shields, Colin Whyte, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Hywel Owen, Matt Pereira, Rehanah Razak, Ken Long
     14Apologies: Ta-Jen Kuo
     16* CDR status
     17        * JP: highlighted missing chapters/content. Missing chapter to wrong .tex file name.
     18        * JP: Vacuum value discrepancy between FFA & stage 2 beam line, value change to 10^-8 in high energy beam line
     19        * JP: highlighted reference & typo issues.
     20        * WS: to add layout to intro section of WP6 chapter.
     22* Engineering
     23        * No updates
     25* Simulation
     26        * WS: no update
     27        * JP: New FFA diagram in CDR
     28        * JP: Space between magnets for cavities.
     29                * Discussion on angled cavities - they should introduce behaviour like a cyclotron, transverse oscillations that cancel out turn by turn unless there's a resonance. This should be acceptable.
     30                * The no. turns are also comparable to cyclotron (~1000 cyc. to 10000 FFA)
     31        * JP: potential problem still exists in the proximity of the FFA magnets to the MA cavity core.
     32        * JP: Kickers may still be a concern, they may need making shorter & stronger.
     33                * Worst case, 2 kickers will be needed instead of 1.
     34        * Maximum field on ferrite cavity should be kept < 0.05T (from kicker field) - could be challenging.
     35        * TJK to extend the good field region of the FFA magnet to cover 15 MeV beams in BP1 phase.
     36        * JP: FFA dynamic aperture study added to CDR.
     38* AOB
     39        * WS to ask Hywel for PMQ geometry
     40                * 420 T/m field limit