
Version 66 (modified by longkr, 6 weeks ago) ( diff )


LhARA documents


A LaTex template is provided to help LhARA members start to create a document. The files can be down loaded from the following links:

Technical notes

Document number ITRF doc number Author Title Version Date Citation Source files
LhARA-TN-2024-05 D. Puerta Megias Modelling the Bystander Effect in Proton SFRT Final Apr24 BibTeX
LhARA-TN-2024-04 M. Maxouti Development of an Ion-Acoustic Dose-Deposition Mapping System for LhARA Final Apr24 BibTeX
LhARA-TN-2023-03 A. Bal Analysing a UV Source Intensity Profile Using a Fluorescent Dye Final Sep23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/TechnicalNotes/LhARA-TN-2023-03
LhARA-TN-2023-02 V. Lay Development and characterization of a novel scintillating fibre detector for use in a proton beam therapy facility (LhARA) Final May23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/TechnicalNotes/LhARA-TN-2023-02

Executive Board

Document number ITRF doc number Author Title Version Date Citation Source files
LhARA-Gov-EB-2024-01 M. Noro with inout from EB and PMB EB UKRI Infrastructure Fund Bridging Funding Request Final/submitted to STFC Apr24 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/LhARA-Gov-EB-2024-01
LhARA-Gov-EB-2023-02 EB Process for the preparation of the project specification for ITRF Preliminary Activity 2 Final Oct23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/LhARA-Gov-EB-2023-02
LhARA-EB-2023/01 EB, N.Bliss, J.Clarke, M.Noro, H.Owen Wave 4 STFC Preliminary Activity proposal form "Ion Therapy Research Facility (ITRF) Preliminary Activity 2" Revision 2 21Jul23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/LhARA-Gov-EB-2023-01
LhARA-EB-2022/01 EB Response to “ITRF – LhARA Working Methods” (STFC document name: 1272-pm-pmp-0003-v1.0-itrf lhara working methods.docx Revision 1 19Oct22 BibTeX wiki:ccap-tn/LhARA/LhARA-EB-2022-01

Project Management Board

Document number ITRF doc number Author Title Version Date Citation Source files
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2024-08 1272-pa1-pm-rpt-0009-1.0-18-month-design-review-report PMB Ion Therapy Research Facility / LhARA: eighteen month progress report Final 21Jul24 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2024-08
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2024-07 PMB Initial assumptions for the initial biological proof-of-principle experiment, BioPoP-1 Final 30Jan24 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2024-07
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-06 1272-pa1-pm-rpt-0007-1.0-twelve-month-design-review-report PMB LhARA/ITRF: twelve month progress report Final 07Nov23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-06
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-05 PMB LhARA WP descriptors for PA2 2023-09-31 Final 31Aug23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-05
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-04 PMB First peer-group consultation meeting Final 22May23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-04
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-03 PMB and ITRF PMO LhARA/ITRF: six month progress report Final 19Apr23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2023-03
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2022-02 PMB Review of the collaboration’s “R&D proposal for the preliminary and pre-construction phases”: response to feedback Final 12Mar23 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2022-02
LhARA-Gov-PMB-2022-01 PMB LhARA End-station requirements document Final 13Dec22 BibTeX wiki:LhARA/Governance/ProjectManagementBoard/LhARA-Gov-PMB-2022-01


Note Number Author Title Version Date Citation Source files
LhARA-Gov-Rev-2022-01 Lamont et al. Review of the collaboration's "R&D proposal for the preliminary and pre-construction phases; Feedback 1 29/11/2022 BibTeX LhARA/Governance/Reviews/LhARA-Gov-Rev-2022-01


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