
Gabor Lens meeting: 23FEB2023; 16:00 GMT

Present: CB(chair), KL, BB, RH, MC, CW
Apologies: EB, SE


1a. Recently infrequent meetings due to industrial action, disruption expected to continue.
1b. Previous actions completed (see below).

2a. ITRF - nothing further from collaboration meeting. PDRA due in a few months, existing personnel contributing further (see item #4).
2b. STFC R&D consortia - no natural home for Capture, & too short notice to submit new this time. Work with other collaborators for future application.

3a. IAB review response still in progress. Full draft expected in 2 weeks.

4a. Base model for loading electrons into trap being developed for VSim & WarpX. Model uses dispirate timescales so relevant for plasma trap. Strathclyde colleagues previously looked at similar model, worth opening discussions. Alternatives (better) codes available for '2-stream' simulations.

5a. A 'detailed' review of possibly required capture resources to be undertaken. Relevant for ITRF 6 month review, costed risks, and targeting of e.g. responsive mode grant.

6a. Due to time, meetings skimmed over:
6b. EB presenting invited talk at 6-11Mar23 Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023. Lagos, Algarge, Portugal.
6c. CB unable to register for 27-30Mar23 - IOP Annual Physics Plasma Conference, Oxford, UK. ​ BB has similar issue & believes it an IT issue.
6d. 7-12May23 - 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC). Venice, Italy. - Abstract submitted with WP2. ​ Due to beamtime start at CERN, difficulties for ALPHA personnel to attend.
6e. 3-7 July 2023 - 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux, France.

7a. Discussion regarding use of microbeams vs. FLASH.
7b. Discussion regarding trap/lens options for ensuring beam purity.
7c. RH aware of M.D. colleague with overlapping interests.


Summary of actions:

  1. CB to check contingency in IAB review document.
  2. BB to update on IOP APPC conference registration issue.
  3. BB to inquire with EB about EPS CPP abstract submission.
  4. RH to introduce M.D. colleague.
  5. CB to lead Capture resource requirement document for 21Mar2023.


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: Chair/All
  1. Grant & resource updates: CB/PIs
  1. IAB review update: CB
  1. Research update: All
  1. Collaboration meeting outcome(s) & additional WP3 resources: All
  1. Upcoming Meetings: CB
  1. AOB: All

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