
Gabor Lens meeting: 2MAR2023; 16:00 GMT

Present: CB(Chair), MC, BB, KL, TSD, RH


1a. Actions:
No.'s 1,2,3,5 DONE.
No. 4 roll over.

2a. EB presenting invited talk at 6-11Mar23 Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023. Lagos, Algarge, Portugal.
2b. CB unable to register for 27-30Mar23 - IOP Annual Physics Plasma Conference, Oxford, UK. ​ BB has similar issue & believes it an IT issue with no current resolution.
2c. 7-12May23 - 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC). Venice, Italy. - Abstract submitted with WP2. ​ Due to beamtime start at CERN, difficulties for ALPHA personnel to attend.
2d. 3-7 July 2023 - 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux, France.
2e. 16-17 March 2023 1st International Workshop on Particle Minibeam Therapy. Paris, France. LhARA colleagues attending.

2f. 21 March 2023 - LhARA ITRF 6 month review, Daresbury.
2g. Notice: Due to external conflicts, possible change of Capture meeting day/time is being discussed. Expect doodle poll (or similar) in coming weeks.

2h. Notice: Ensure coordination with Bob (& Kevin) as inaugral co-charis of Science Board for conferences etc.

3a. No updates.

4a. IAB response document in review phase.

5a. No update.

6a. None.


Summary of actions:

CB to liase with RH as time allows to meet ON M.D.
CB to double check possible conflicts created in IAB review document.
BB to inquire with WP2 about attending ECPP (conf. 2d).
BB to further chase IOP regarding APPC (conf. 2b).
All review IAB document & email *CW* & *KL* with any comments.


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: Chair/All
  1. Upcoming Meetings: CB
  1. Grant & resource updates: CB/PIs
  1. IAB review update: CB
  1. Research update: All
  1. AOB: All

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