
LhARA Executive Board 25Jan23; 16:00 GMT


  1. Notes and actions: All

Status of actions:

  • TG: float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting.
    • Consider adding concept of "Pub board" which might take an overview of outreach more generally;
  • KL/TG: Add appropriate regarding EDI and code of conduct to the Consortium Agreement.
    • Stands
  • KL: add agenda item for TG to report on UKRI AI webinar
    • Done.
  • KL: announce/remind of collaboration meeting in Brm, 08Feb23
    • Done.
  1. LhARA Project progress report: CW
    • Neil Bliss is expected to be back as ITRF Project Manager and LhARA WP6 project manager from 01Feb23. Likely to be for a short, perhaps 6-month, period.
    • Workkng to deliver CM agenda and response to review.
    • The first deliverable is scheduled for the end Jan23, WP6 is supposed to deliver an update to the design of the LhARA accelerator complex.

  1. Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All
    • Noted; above.
  1. STFC accelerator consortium call: KL, All
    • Initial discussions with R. Pattathil had taken place and principle of inclusion of source, ions other than proton, and capture agreed. FFA work likely will find home in Muons bid being led by C. Rogers.
  1. UKRI AI CDT webinar; report: TG
    • See previous slides; we agreed that we can not compete on our own in this call.
  1. MRC call: : All See slides. Points noted:
    • Present ideas in ion-acoustic not enough, requre r-bio and/or clincal impact as well.
    • AG and JPar agreed to take it forward.
  1. Next CM in Birmingham and next IB: JPa, TG, YP, All
    • Brief discussion of arrangements.
  1. DONM
    09Feb23; 16:00 GMT
  1. AoB

Last modified 18 months ago Last modified on Feb 14, 2023, 7:32:24 PM

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