Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-03-08

May 5, 2023, 5:56:47 AM (14 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-03-08

    v4 v5  
    11= LhARA Executive Board 08Mar23; 15:00 GMT =
    3 **ZOOM**:
     3**Present**: KL, CJ, CW, TG, JPar, YP, PP
    5 == Agenda ==
     5== Notes ==
    771. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-02-22 Notes and actions]: All__
    11112. __LhARA Project progress report: CW__ \\
    12  - // To include WP0 meeting, feedback and discussion. //
     12 // To include WP0 meeting, feedback and discussion. //
     13 - Response to review document is now complete.  Will be posted and sent to reviewwers.
     14 - ITRF 6-month review now being organised.  Some persons with teaching conflicts, but, being worked out.  WP6 has a deliverable (lattice update) which has not yet been met.  Document being prepared will be a 6-month report on progress.
     15 - Decided to review collaboration meetings and dates to make sure that deadlines are set to realistic dates.
     16 - Target/1st Gabor lens interface being looked at; its a critical interface.  Also, work on the infrastructure building on the work done in advance of the ITRF approval.
    14 3. __LhARA IB report: TG, YP //
     183. __LhARA IB report: TG, YP __ \\
     19 The last meeting in Brm.  The IB received reports from KL and CW.  The focus of the meeting was the need to search for additional resource.  Options being considered include: the STFC accelerator consortia call; the MRC MDPR call. \\
     20YP noted that she had one travel money from CNRS.  The IB discussed the concept of generating a seminar or science-meeting series  etc. at CNRS.
    16224. __LhARA SB report: BB, KP //
     23 We noted BB, KP now in post as co-chairs.  First task is the identification of a speaker for the SPIE meeting in Prague. This is in hand with BB.
    18255. __Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All__ \\
     26 - Agreed; am appropriate chair was discussed.  Agreed to proceed among for the 4th quarter.
    20286. __Preparing for the ITRF 6-month review; All__ \\
     29 - CW:
     30   - CW and HO had discussed the back-up synchrotron option, and noted that its cost may be an issue.
     31   - The LhARA specification includes the delivery of an arbitrarty time sctructure and "pump/probe" capability. The different time structure of the FFA and the  synchtrotron; 10 Hz compared to 1 Hzwas discussed.  The present study within ITRF WP3 is for a full replacement of LhARA.  CW pointed out that K.Kirkby is of the view that 90% of the desired science can be done with a synchrotron.       
     32   - Imperative for LhARA is to explain bioligical programme. 
     33   - We the need to work towards a solution for a He source.
    22357. __MRC call: :__ AG, JPl
     36 - 2 weeks away; plan for outline application is being developed.  Preliminary draft by the end of the week.  KP is on it.  Main thrust: conventional vs novel comparison.
    24388. __DONM__ \\
    2539 22Mar23; **16:00 GMT**