
Version 2 (modified by longkr, 14 months ago) ( diff )


LhARA Executive Board 17May23; 16:00 BST


  1. Notes and actions: All Status of actions:
    • KL:* Post notes on previous meeting;
      • Done.*
    • KL, TG: Push on contacting institute PIs re signing MoU and consulting re positioning in next proposal.
      • Ongoing.
    • KL, TG: Push on organisation of IoP meeting.
      • Done. Report at meeting.
    • RB, KP: Circulate ToR for SB for comment to the EB.
      • Stands.
    • CW: circulate proposed dates, or time windows, for next CMs and consultation meetings. Notes of previous meeting had not been posted, so, none recorded. (KL to post.)
      • Done.
    • KL: Write once more to U.Schramm, with RB in CC, to explain our situation with the programme and to ask for a conversation on how to proceed.
      • Part done. Need to pick up.
        • [Email U.Schrame, J.Schreiber, and KParodi in the same email.]
  1. LhARA Project progress report: CW
  1. LhARA IB report: TG, YP
  1. LhARA SB report: BB, KP
    • Upcoming conferences:
      • IoP PAB
      • FRPT
      • Others?
  1. Documenting radiation biology programme:// AG, JPar, All
  1. Collaboration and consultation meeting dates:// KL
  1. DONM
    31May23; 16:00 BST
  1. AoB

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