Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-07-26

Jul 26, 2023, 11:00:49 AM (11 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-07-26

    v1 v1  
     1= LhARA Executive Board 26Jul23; 16:00 BST =
     3== Agenda ==
     51. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-07-12 Notes and actions]: All__ \\
     6 See also [wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-07-19 Meeting to discuss IF Wave 4 bid].
     8 Status of actions: \\
     9 * **KL, TG:** Push on contacting institute PIs re signing MoU and consulting re positioning in next proposal.
     10  - **Ongoing.**
     11 * **KL, TG:** Push on organisation of IoP meeting.
     12  - **Done.** Well, "in hand".  Organisation now in place.  Advertisement needs to start.
     13 * **RB, KP:** Circulate ToR for SB for comment to the EB.
     14  - **Done.**  Need now to accept comments and address typos and post.
     162. //LhARA Project progress report: // CW \\
     17 - Item was "skipped" as we concentrated almost solely on item 5.
     193. //LhARA SB report: // BB, KP \\
     20 - C. Baker abstract for Plasma conference received and circulated for comment.  J.McGarrigle will post on the wiki.
     224. // [ UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 1]
     23 - Discussion of how to proceed with "central" proposal.  Agreed to try and engage WP2 leads in specification of irradiations that could take place on SCAPA.
     255. //Bid for continuation discussion, next steps, position //
     26 Discussion of recent developments and need to deliver PA proforma by 21Jul23.  CW had made ann initial pass at reviewing the budget.  Our discussion focused on the preparation of a bid with a value ~£20M over 4 years.  CW had made a first pass at the revised profile, top down.  KL had made a first draft of the proforma text (attached to this page).
     28 We agreed to add a line for biology and one for clinical engagement and patient involvement.
     30 We agreed the following plan to finalise the document:
     31 - Comments and updates on the present version (d0) by:
     32  - Friday 14Jul23 morning (to be included in a Friday afternoon update, with first versions of the financial tables); or (latest) by
     33  - Monday (17Jul23) morning.  These comments will be included in an update by Friday evening that we can use as the basis for the meeting with Dave Newbold on 18Jul23.
     34 - New updated draft by Wednesday 19Jul23 afternoon;
     35 - Comments and updates on the Wednesday 19Jul23 version by Friday 21Jul23 around 10:00 so that the final draft can be updated and circulated for checking before the submission deadline.
     376. //Documenting vision for biological science programme //
     38 Will now be part of 5-year plan that will accompany PA2 submission in October 2023.
     407. //Collaboration and consultation meeting dates:// KL
     41 - Next collaboration meetings: 20Sep23; Glasgow
     438. __DONM__ \\
     44 29Jul23; 16:00 BST
     469. __AoB__ \\