
LhARA Executive Board 09Jan24; 16:00 GMT

Venue: Room 544 Blackett Laboratory (Level 5, left out of the lift, left into the corridor, first door on left)



  1. Notes and actions: All

Status of actions:

None recorded.

  1. LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress report: CW
  1. LhARA/ITRF PA2 project plan preparation: CW / All
  1. PoP experiment update: JPar
  1. LhARA IB report: TG, YP
    • Including author list for PA2 project plan document.
  1. LhARA SB report: BB, KP
    • Need to consider revamp of communication pages and targets for conferences for 2024
  1. Collaboration and consultation meeting dates: KL
    • 26Apr24; ICR, London
    • Sep24, Belfast
  1. Next steps in response to outcome of ITRF PA2 proposal, bridging funds, resources et. All
  1. DONM
    24Jan24; 16:00 GMT
  1. Adjourn
    • For those in SK, for dinner in SK

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