
LhARA Executive Board 06Mar24; 16:00 GMT

Present: JC, AGi, AGo, TG, KL, HO, JPar, PP, CW


KL welcomed AG and HO to the Board. MN apoligised that he was not available. JC was welcomed to the meeting.

  1. Notes and actions: All
    Status of actions:
    • None recorded.
  1. LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: KL, CW / All
    KL slides
    We reviewed the contraints and priorities for the programme going forward. We discussed options for the definition of teh resources for the bridging funding, consiering a variety of unpleasant options in which significant parts of the programme were significantly delayed.

The refresh of the discussion came when it was observed that interpretting the constraint as being the definition of a "bridging period" with resource at the level of £1M/year over three years would bring the required funding in line with the possible budget.

We therefore agreed to prepare a revised programme to meet the following criterial:

  • 3-year bridging activity at £1M/year to deliver "pre-TDR";
  • Prioritise proof-of-principle experiment and Stage 1 risk management;
    • Programme would preserve investment in Gabor Lens and FFA development with a profile to be determined;
  • 3-year programme would include studentships justified on the basis of training the scientists required to take the programme forward.

We agreed to ask for PB to develop further options and return to the discussion at teh next EB in 2 weeks.

  1. LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress report: CW
    CW reported that progress on the various work-packages was good:
    • WP2: preparing for beam time;
    • WP3: now progressing experimental work at Swansea and asking for further support;
    • WP4: preparing for proof-of-principle experiment at LMU;
    • WP5: progressing well with present consultation and moving towards write-up status;
    • WP6: progressing OK, working towards significant reporting milestone;
    • WP7: now scheduled fortnihgjly meetings at 14:00 on Thursdays. First one tomorrow;
    • WP8: working well on impact and engagement programme.
  1. Collaboration/18-month review meeting dates: ALl
    • 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London
    • Sep24, Belfast
  1. DONM
    • 20Mar24;
  1. AoB
    • Researchfish; need to make submission in near future. KL needs to gather collaboration wide input.


  1. Notes and actions: All
    Status of actions:
    • None recorded.
  1. LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: KL, CW / All
    KL slides
  1. LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress report: CW
  1. Collaboration/18-month review meeting dates: ALl
    • 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London
    • Sep24, Belfast
  1. DONM
  1. Adjourn

Last modified 12 months ago Last modified on Mar 6, 2024, 5:17:08 PM

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