
LhARA Executive Board 30Apr24; 15:30 BST

Present: TG, HO, KL, RB, CW, CJ, AG, JPar


  1. Notes and actions: All
    Status of actions:
    • KL: contact D. Brown to discuss no-cost extensions for LhARA groups supported by grants;
      • Initiated. Need to follow up.
      • ITRF Project Board (IPB): 13:00 Friday, May 17: A. Cook had been in contact with S. Verth to discuss no-cost extensions. Feed back was that in principle, in-financial-year extensions are OK, but an individual case needs to be made by each institution. IPB agreed that KL would email D.Brown, S.Verth and A.Cook to make sure all knew of the contact with, and activities of the others.
    • KL/RB: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target.
      • Stands
  1. LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress update: CW
    Verbal update on progress by WP:
    • WP2 -- Working on issues to improve laser performance. Now have beam-time scheduled at SCAPA in Dec24/Jan25. Planning underway to make best use of it.
    • WP3 -- Regular meetings ave been re-initiated. Some question about whether time is optimal for all. Will seek to negotiate best time while keeping fortnightly pattern.
    • WP4 -- Recent focus on IPAC paper. Progress on other parts of the programme has slowed. Main issue is the anodising of the SmartPhantom. This needs to be done to unlock the beam time in Brm in June.
    • WP5 -- Availability of key people has lead to delay in scheduling the final consultation meeting. Need to push this forward.
    • WP6 -- Going well; issues of detail are now being discussed in engineering and optics. Issues related to the availability of key expertise are likely to arise as the project enters BP1.
    • WP7 -- Optics design of beam line seems to be going OK. Hoping that can soon begin iteration with JPar et. al on the design of the bio expeorment.
    • WP8 -- Good progress.
  • Milestones: Focus now on completing 18 month report. Milestone reports for WP3 and WP4 need to be completed. WP4 report is complete and on the wiki, needs to be signed off at PM level.

Next Tuesday, 21May24, there will be a meeting in Strathclyde to discuss the bio experiment. CW has invited biologists from Strathclyde as well as LhARA and Strathclyde Physics personnel. Looking forward to making a start on the detailed planning of the programme.

  1. LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: KL / All
    ITRF Project Board (IPB): 13:00 Friday, May 17: Though M.Noro had asked for an update, there was no more news on when the devision on the bridging funds would be made. MN hopes it will be in the next week.
  1. Preparing for impact discussions: CJ / All
    Draft document
    • CJ introduced the document and emphasised that contact through Imperial with inpart ("LinkedIn for industry"?) should be seen as a starter for all. Comments on the document and initiative were requested. CJ, KL will meet once more with Imperial industry liaison team member next week.
  1. Conferences and publications; SB report: RB, KP, All
    No update this week.
  1. Collaboration meeting dates: All
    • 01-02 Sep24, Belfast
      • Planning initiated by KL and C.Palmer.
    • Apr25, UCL
  1. DONM
    29May24 -- 16:00
  1. AoB

Last modified 10 months ago Last modified on May 17, 2024, 6:28:23 PM

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