25 | | 1. Overview: C. Whyte |
26 | | 2. Laser-driven proton and ion source (WP2): E. Boella, N. Dover, R. Gray |
27 | | 3. Proton and ion capture (WP3): C. Baker, W. Bertsche |
28 | | 4. Facility design and integration (WP6): N. Bliss, J. Pasternak |
| 25 | __16.30–16.45 Project Management (WP1)__ |
| 26 | 1. //Overview// – Colin Whyte (Strathclyde) |
| 27 | __16.45–17.20 Laser-driven proton and ion source (WP2)__ |
| 28 | 1. //Overview and management// – Elisabetta Boella (Lancaster/CI) \\ |
| 29 | 2. //Risk management// – Nicholas Dover (Imperial/JAI) \\ |
| 30 | 3. //Diagnostics, instrumentation and targetry// – Ross Gray (Strathclyde/CI) |
| 31 | __17.20–17.5 Proton and ion capture (WP3)__ |
| 32 | 1. //Gabor lens// – Christopher Baker (Swansea): |
| 33 | __17.55–18.30 Transfer lines and post accelerator (WP6)__ |
| 34 | 1. //Stage 1 and Stage 2 vision// – Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial/JAI/ISIS) \\ |
| 35 | 2. //General facility infrastructure and integration (WP6)// – Neil Bliss (STFC TD Daresbury) |