LhARA Institute Board pages
The LhARA Steering Group took over the coordination of the LhARA programme from the "LhARA pre-CDR Steering Group" when the pre-CDR was completed. Please see the "LhARA pre-CDR Steering Group" pages for further details. The Steering Group plays a role analogous to that of the Institution or Collaboration Board in a typical large collaboration.
Representation: the membership of the Steering Group may be found here.
Communication: send an email to the Steering Group using the following mailing list on the Imperial mail server (Imperial.ac.uk): ccap-lhara-sg@…
Collaboration information
Author list (draft)
Alphabetical author list
By institute and author
Institute list
- [To be announced]
Previous years:
Attachments (3)
- LhARA-AuthorList-Tst.pdf (71.5 KB ) - added by 5 months ago.
- LhARA-InstituteList-Tst.pdf (44.0 KB ) - added by 5 months ago.
- LhARA-AuthorList-by-Institute-Tst.pdf (74.2 KB ) - added by 5 months ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip