
LhARA Ionacoustic dose profiling meeting: 18May23; 10:30 GMT



  1. Update on liquid scintillator & UV LED test experiment: PH
  1. SmartPhantom Stage 1 & Stage 2 design: MM, PH, KL
  1. (Olympus) single-element transducer choice: All
  1. Photoacoustic phantom update: YH
  1. 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD23, September 25-29, Siena, Italy) & Medical Accelerators Conference (12th July, ICR): KL
  1. AOB: All


  1. Peter will simulate a cuboid instead of a cylinder for the water volume
  1. Acoustic signals in k-Wave look weird - we need to investigate what is going on before choosing the transducers
  1. Determine the beam energy loss in the Kapton foil (from Geant4) to see if it acts as an acoustic source itself
  1. We need to agree on how many transducers we need and where to place them
  1. Kapton/entry window material should be black to eliminate ray reflections
  1. UV LED test to start by the end of June
  1. Yu will 3D print a prototype of the thresholded phantom
Last modified 21 months ago Last modified on May 22, 2023, 2:22:53 PM

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