LhARA & LMU third meeting: 05Oct23; 10:30 GMT
ZOOM: https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09
- Introduction: Ken Long
- Current status (simulations & experiments): Maria Maxouti
- Matrix & linear array transducers: Jeff Bamber
- Liquid scintillator: Peter Hobson
- SmartPhantom design: Oliver Jeremy
- AOB: All
- A long elongated tube will cause the (unwanted) dispersion of the beam: we might need to re-design the phantom
- For the experiment, we should keep in mind that we might get a 12-17 MeV beam, to 20 MeV
- Shall we plan an experiment where we have the SciFi stations in front of the phantom and not inside?
- Electron noise should be investigated further - very interesting results
- The matrix and linear arrays are in the frequency range of detectable signals
- Coupling them on the side of the phantom might cause poor reconstruction. The gel cannot couple all interfaces (water-kapton-air)
- Can we immerse the matrix & linear array in the water?
- Pre-amplification: can we borrow an amplifier from the company in Munich?
- Liquid scintillator sounds promising - no such experiment has been done in CALA before
- The experiment is most likely to be done over the summer with Julie/Sonja's help
- We should plan a short visit to LMU to see the beamline
Last modified
16 months ago
Last modified on Oct 5, 2023, 3:15:49 PM
Attachments (3)
- 2023-10-05-Long.pptx (7.1 MB ) - added by 16 months ago.
- LhARA_5Oct23_V2.pdf (1.2 MB ) - added by 16 months ago.
- LhARA&LMU_third_meeting.pdf (5.7 MB ) - added by 16 months ago.
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