
LhARA & LMU fifth meeting: 16Apr24; 12:00 GMT



  1. Introduction: KL
  1. Simulations, Kapton transmission measurement & SmartPhantom update: MM
  1. Transducers: JB & BC
  1. Project timeline: All
  1. AOB: All


  1. Sonja said that according to experimental results, an energy spread of less than 10% around 20 MeV is expected. Maria's simulations agree with this.
  1. The absorbance results of the liquid scintillator-water solution need to be understood.
  1. The Kapton transmission measurement analysis will be completed in the following days. Julie is not concerned about the signal loss in the foil but is worried about possible reflections caused by it.
  1. More iterations of the time-reversal algorithm should be run. The time reversal algorithm should be compared to back-projection.
  1. PVDF transducers were successful with the LMU beam according to Julie, therefore the piston hydrophone suggested by Jeff is a good choice.
  1. The LION beamline is only for internal use therefore there is beam availability. We should arrange a date for the experiment a month before.
  1. Maria will send a Doddle poll to organize the next meeting for the end of May.
Last modified 10 months ago Last modified on Apr 17, 2024, 11:29:22 AM
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